Thursday 11 January 2018

Do you need a French "permis de conduire"?

This has appeared on another site:
"Hope you all have french driving Licences just seen this on another site Driving licence: According to Article 2 of Directive 2006/126/EC9 driving
licences issued by Member States of the Union are mutually recognised. As of the
withdrawal date, a driving licence issued by the United Kingdom is no longer
recognised by the Member States on the basis of this legislation"

It would not be so drastic as it appears, as France does allow foreign residents to continue to use their licence provided it is valid. It will need to be exchanged for a French licence if it is to expire or if an infraction involving a loss of points occurs. Presently French "permis de conduire" do not expire nor require certification of health at 70, though this will most likely change at some point.
It may be that recognition of UK driving licences forms part of the detailed Brexit agreements. Perhaps a little "scare mongering" in the above post.
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PS: the sub editor has a French permis - will it be recognised when in the UK?