Thursday 14 September 2017

Taxe d'habitation

One of candidate Macron's campaign promises was to abolish the "taxe d'habitation" for most households. Gerald Darmanin, the minister for public accounts suggested yesterday that this policy will be fully implemented by 2020, with reductions of one third from 2018.
To qualify a couple's revenue fiscale de reference (generally the sum liable to income tax) must be below 43000 euros, 27000 for single people. There are already exonerations for people aged over 75, whose income is generally below about 12000 euros and no news was given about this, though presumably no change will be envisaged.
Many of us "Brexpats" have seen significant reductions in our pensions as a result of the exchange rate of the pound v euro, so perhaps we will be able to benefit from this modest reduction; with your taxe d'habitation nearing 1000 euros it will be welcome in many households.
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