Friday 15 September 2017

I blunder on ...

Yet another of my "hilarious mistakes" found whilst cleaning cupboards out.
I was promoting the start of afternoon visits to our library by our community policeman.
I had the idea of putting a simple message in each book borrowed.
My friend was so impressed she took the bookmark to an adult literacy meeting and proudly held up the book mark singing my praises for my ingenuity... till someone said 
"Why are you holding up a big penis?"
And that is just what it looked like on the back side!
Our local bobby pretended not to be best pleased saying
" are you trying to make out I am a dick"
Borrowers came in for weeks pulling my leg and it even got a mention in the local paper.
Sigh.. my life has been full of good intentions
The connection to French life is that these blunders still carry on" remember the dead baker at Laguepie, who like his bread rose again"!!
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