Wednesday 19 April 2017

The countryside is safe

A lotissement at Mas del Sol?
Yesterday morning we were phoned by a local councillor to tell us there was a second consultation meeting and on the cards along with other areas in the canton Mas del Sol was being touted as a constructable area. Maybe we needed to go and express our opinions. We had early appointments but came dashing back before lunch to get to the open morning consultation.
Many areas had been chosen in the St. Antonin, Verfeil area but at Mas del Sol and St. Martial seven barns had been picked for possible change of use. Phew!
As far as we know only one barn is for sale and the others are needed as barns or in our neighbours case a garage.
Things can change so quickly, it is called progress, but the thought of a lotissement in our beautiful lane seemed unthinkable... and thank goodness it is not in the planning.
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