Tuesday 18 April 2017

Nous sommes le mardi dix huit avril

A other sunny morning to follow yesterday's beautiful day.
What a lovely walk we had yesterday with my donkeys. They are so creatures of habit I know each place on the walk they like to stop and look around, always the places with good views. They are probably scanning the view for threats or other donkeys but in all the world it looks as if they are stopping to admire the beautiful area they live in.
In the afternoon we were delighted to give a single bed, a sofa which could be made into a bed, a little table, duvet, hot plate and various kitchen bits. These were all donations from you readers and I wish you could see the pleasure this gives to these young people setting up safe homes. This particular young man has lost all family: mother, father and sister but here has discovered a  caring family who are giving him a lovely apartment in their home.
We know the very BEST people.
comments to taglines82@gmail.com