Wednesday 18 January 2017

Religions care about people

Relating to Joanne's letter in the earlier post"
All religions  are about caring for people, I do not need to list all the religions around the world.
I do need to say that we stay vigilant against vile racist views and we fight against this wherever we see it. I was pleased to see on a local village site one of the villagers is prepared to fight so that the village church is not subjected to racist views and sentiments again. Mentioning she wanted to write a letter to the Archbishop she received this response:

Je suis tres heureuse et a la fois triste  de constater que les " etrangers" montrent plus d' interêt pour Verfeil que ceux qui se revendiquent Verfeillais de naissance . Heureusement finalement que toutes ces personnes font vivre le groupe en intervenant . Bravo a elles . Bravo et MERCI .

I will let you know developments about a letter which  personally I think should be sent to local mayors as well as the bishop and I will happily sign.
We may not be French, we may not all be Catholics but we all know we want to protect JEWS, it can never happen again,  the holocaust.
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