Saturday 24 September 2016

Church says sorry (again)

We have become used to politicians and church leaders saying "sorry" for some event in the long gone past - or even more recent events in the catholic church. Now local clerics in Ariege are going to apologise for the massacre of 220 Cathars at Montsegur in the 13th century.
The Cathars were a fundamental Christian sect who rejected the authority of Rome and (probably more importantly) the crown. At that time the northern provinces wanted to take control of Occitanie and church and barons may have considered that the Cathars' rejection of authority and support from local barons was a threat to their unity. Whatever, there were purges throughout the south-west and many burned as heretics in the chateau of Montsegur.
One wonders if these apologies have any value. The past is a different world and we should not forget that many horrific deeds were carried out in the name of religion, politics, commerce and colonialism, But  remembering and learning from history is more important than a lip-service apology.
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