Sunday 25 September 2016

Back problem?

Hi Val,
I have been mulling over the following since it happened 10 days ago & it wasn't until I saw a friend yesterday & she said    "you need to let tag know so that other people don't suffer". Having slept on it yet again I think she's right. 
 There is a busy clinic for back problems in the area. I have scoliosis & 10 days ago went for a treatment with the resident osteopath. The physical treatment was quick, the verbal diarrhoea that accompanied it was long & the bill of e60 a waste of hard earned cash. From my long experience of back treatments this session was brutal, I have been in pain ever since. I was also recommended a "balancing herbal supplement" which, upon reading up on it, is specific for asthma & high blood pressure, I suffer from neither. Several days after my treatment I phoned the person in question, complained about the pain & was given an exercise & an appointment for physio which I took. The pain continued I ended up being driven miles to my old chiropractor, a lady of total gentleness who has eased the situation somewhat & tells me that she is sure the initial treatment would have been done with the best intentions. Who knows.... I would just like to warn anyone out there with scoliosis that some places are possibly best avoided.
L x
For more info if you have a back problem contact L.